Thursday, 1 September 2011

Social Learning - Why is everyone talking about it?

The new way of learning but is it really that “new”?

The majority of individuals are already using ‘social’ learning tools for their own professional or personal use. Learning tools like webcasts, podcasts, videos, blogs, micro-blogs and wikis are freely available on the web and being shared across social networks every second of every day. Informal learning makes up 70% of our knowledge base.

How does that transfer to business?
If you have talented individuals in your organisation, doesn’t it make sense for them to share their knowledge with others? Continuous, collaborative learning will surely lead to improved performance.

You may already upload learning resources onto your intranet or LMS….a time consuming task! Social learning solutions allow a continuous flow of discussion, feedback and learning amongst  your employees.  Ultimately, they learn from each other. Videos, podcasts, webinars, slide shows, screen captures can be uploaded instantly.  Learning resources can be linked to competencies, goals and personal development plans; all in one click, all on one platform. It’s not new or revolutionary, it’s how today’s generation are already learning.
Social learning solutions are not only beneficial in terms of improved performance, they also provide a huge long term cost saving.  As social platforms are usually offered as Saas solutions, minimal involvement is needed from your IT department.  Payment is usually per employee with a small set up fee. No expensive software installation to consider!

Social platforms have already been integrated into many leading talent management software suites but there are also a number of independent innovative solutions available on the market today. I will be giving my thoughts on some of these later in the year.

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